Planning your Goals
If you went an wrote a plan based just on your current knowledge, would it be a good plan? No, it’d be just a plan that says, ‘Do the same thing as I was doing before.’ And that’s what got you to where you are, it won’t get you to the next level. So until we do the learning, the planning doesn’t make any sense.
Do you have a business plan?
Now planning… How many business owners are really excited about planning? Let me ask the question a different way. Raise your hand if you actually have a business plan. Raise your hand if you’ve read it in the last year. See, this is the thing about it. Most business people when it comes to planning, how excited are they about it? Not very excited at all.
The Importance of Planning
Let me put it to you in a slightly different light… Who would like to get on a plane tomorrow if the pilot didn’t have a flight plan? No one. How often do you want the pilot to have a flight plan when you’re getting on a plane? 100% of the time. How come? You would like to live. That’s a high priority on those planes, you want to get to the other end while still alive type thing.
See, if you want someone to do their job perfectly 100% of the time, you’ve always got to have a plan. Yeah you’ve got to train them because stuff will come up that’s different to the plan, but if you don’t have a plan… Let me give you the one key secret to a great business plan. Key secret. Number 1 most important part of a business plan: it must be based on a calendar! It must have a calendar. It can’t be Section 1, Section 10, it’s got to be May, June, July, August, that type of thing. Make sense? Business plans that are not on a calendar never get work.
Planning in business
let’s start with planning and understanding it. I don’t want you to do a 12-month plan in the beginning. What i want you to do is a 1-day plan. I want you to do a 1-day plan every single day. If you can do a 1-day plan– So at the end of the day every single day, write a plan of what you’re going to do tomorrow. 530 everyday, or whenever you quit, write down a plan for the next day. Now once you get good at 1-day planning, what do you think you’re then going to start doing? Weekly planning. So on a Friday afternoon, you’re going to write two plans. One for Monday and one for the whole of next week. What I’m going to achieve next week is going to be written every Friday afternoon before you leave. So once we’ve got weekly done, what are you going to do on the 30th or the 31st of the month? Monthly. What are we going to do for the next month? Then we’re going to do quarterly, then yearly.
See the thing is people try to do planning far-range, long-range planning. They can’t even do 1-day planning, how are they going to do 5-year planning? It’s never going to happen. I’ve got to see daily planning, weekly planning, then monthly planning, and then we go and then we go. Does that make sense for everybody?
You’ve got to be proactive in business.
If you don’t pro-actively plan what you’re going to do, what are you going to end up doing? Stupid things! How many of you know half of your day every day is full of stupid things? It happens. Because whatever shows up ends what you’re doing because you didn’t have a plan. You didn’t have something to stick to. So once you have a plan, then you can take action, then you can do the work.
Now this is an important one. It isn’t about how busy you are. Work isn’t about how much you work or how hard do you work or how many hours do you do, it’s about how effective you are. It’s about how much of the right work are you doing?
Simple example: Where was I? Friend of a friend’s party. I was chatting with this young lady, she was a hairdresser, owns her own hairdressing salon. She was talking to me about business because my wife always tells people, ‘Oh, you should talk to Brad, you should talk to Brad.’ I’m like, ‘Honey, how many free sessions are you going to give away?’ So I’m chatting with her, and she says, ‘But the problem is I don’t take home any more money than the staff in my business.’ I said, ‘Really, so they make about the same amount of money as you?’ She says, ‘Yeah.’ Okay. I say, ‘So let me ask you a question, what do you do all day?’ What do you think she said? Cut hair. What do they do all day? Cut hair. Great. Then you should make the same as them.
If you’re doing the same thing, if you’re doing employee’s work, you should take home what? Employee’s money. If you’re going to do owner’s work, then you can expect owner’s remuneration. But if you’re being an employee, don’t expect to be paid like an owner is paid.
- Watch Part Three – Coming Soon
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MaxMyProfit Corporate Australia
(02) 9111 5000