Today, I’m going to give you three tips on how you can maximize your marketing using LinkedIn.
So unless you’ve been under a rock somewhere, you’re probably well aware that social media is fast becoming a way you can market your business really effectively. In fact, there’s several platforms. There’s about 20, maybe 25 popular social media platforms, maybe far more than that if we count all the other ones we probably haven’t heard about yet because they’re not just as popular.
*** This is a transcription from a video ***
But LinkedIn is certainly one that as a business you could be utilizing to market your business. And I think it’s probably an underestimated platform right now. If you’re going to use LinkedIn, here’s a few tips that I want to share with you.
First of all, you should set up a company page. When you set up a company page, you don’t just make it a little bit of information, you make it visually appealing so when someone arrives on your page, they want to stick around and have a look, they want to check things out. You might have pictures of your products or your customers. There could be a video on there. There’s a lot of different media you could actually embed on a LinkedIn company page. So make sure you make great use of that.
The second thing is to make sure you put updates on that page regularly. It’s really annoying when I see somebody go through the trouble of starting a page on any of the platforms, let alone LinkedIn, but then they’re not providing regular updates for the people who are following your page. If you’ve got people following your page and you provide them with regular updates there, then you’re going to be able to interact with them there.
Which brings me to tip number three, that you interact. So if somebody likes a post or comments on something that you’ve posted on your page, make sure you get back to them start the conversation, and start using LinkedIn as a platform for networking. And that’s really what social networking is all about, it’s about starting the conversation.
So there you go. I hope you found these tips for using LinkedIn to maximize your marketing really useful. Now I was just wondering if down below in the comments you could leave your tips. What are your tips on how you’re using LinkedIn as a marketing tool. Maybe you could share that down below in the comments. And of course, remember to hit the Subscribe button so you don’t miss out on any videos. And remember to have a profitable day.
About the Author
Ben Fewtrell is a sought-after Business Coach, Keynote Speaker and trainer who has featured in Virgin’s Inflight Magazine and Entertainment Portal, SKY Business and “Secrets of Top Business Builders Exposed”. He is also the host of the popular Business Brain Food Podcast where he interviews leading experts on anything and everything business.