A good manager knows how to relate with employees because they are the driving force for the business. Things like honesty, team building, diplomacy, time management, and delegation are crucial; however, there are other things that can turn the work environment a fun place to be. When employees are happy, they deliver – if they are sad, they remain unproductive and become unruly. That being, what are six ways you can enhance your management skills?
1. Have a Vision and Let the Employees Know it
In the olden days, subordinates relied on executives and didn’t have to think. This is a structure that doesn’t work particularly in tapping the potentials of talented workers. You need to engage your team so that they deliver effectively to their abilities. To achieve this goal, you need to define a clear vision of the company. Let the employees know how you intend to change things in the workplace. Also, let them know the purpose of the company. Hold a meeting to help share your vision, have the vision posted in places where employees and other people in the company can see it regularly.
2. Engage with Workers by Being Personal
While defining your vision is a good thing, you also need to engage your team so that they commit to it. You need to know what the team wants and the things that motivate them. It doesn’t have to be a one man’s show – everyone needs to take part in realizing the vision of the company. When you know what the team wants, you can guide them to realize the opportunities that help trigger engagement in the vision of the company. Try to organize for meetings where you can brainstorm and connect the opportunities or possibilities to the desires of the workers. Ask for the employees’ input and ideas. Create an environment that makes the workers feel they are part of the brand or the journey to success.
3. Tap the Power of Influence by Advocating for Personal Branding
When we talk about personal branding, it is the impression or image in the mind of other people regarding your company, your staff, and you as the manager. Having good personal branding brings out the power of influence. Have a clear code of dress for the company that promotes consistency in the team. Let the team know how it can dress to promote creativity and passion, for example, wearing colors like bright blue, red, and yellow. If you are projecting authority and trust, they can wear grey, blue, and black.
4. Ensure Effective Communication
Sometimes, you communicate a lot and other times, you don’t. Having great communication depends on the content you have, and how well and often you communicate with employees. If you are having meetings, they don’t have to be tedious and long, go straight to the point but make the communication clear, concise, and to the point, and above all, let it be fun. Reinforce your goals and vision as well as possibilities.
5. Realize the Power of Gratitude
Sometimes, employees don’t have to be happy and productive because they have a good salary. You can have employees staying in your company simply because they love the manager. Gratitude is one thing that makes employees love and work effectively with their managers. Say, “Thank you!” and give applause to work well done. That way, employees will feel that you realize their efforts and potentials and will keep on working hard to deliver results. Just make it a habit to give gratitude.
6. Make Work to be More Fun
You need to create a fun environment in the workplace. Successful companies like Facebook and Google make the workplace a fun environment. When you work in an organization where it’s fun, you want to stay. A team that enjoys themselves as well as the work they do will remain motivated and take the company to greater heights. Ensure you lighten up the team and spark their creativity and potentials.
In addition to these tips for enhancing your management skills, you also want to discover how you can make the top-performing workers stay. For example, pay them well, because they deserve it. Challenge the employees to push themselves more. Give them challenges so that they push their limits. When you are able to build a workplace where employees can challenge themselves, it allows them to realize how potent they are. You need to unlock their potential by ensuring they identify their talents and how best to explore them for the benefit of the company and themselves too.
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