Developing a strong support network is essential to succeeding. If you are not seeing the success that you would like in your life, it may be time to evaluate your environment and determine whether it is supporting you or hindering you.
Create your Environment
Surrounding yourself with an environment that will nurture your success is essential to actually achieving your goals. Everything that surrounds you has some impact on you as well as what you do. If there is something in your life that is affecting you in a negative manner, it is important to evaluate those relationships and situations.
Your environment includes people, such as your colleagues, family, friends, and other professionals with whom you interact. In addition, your environment can also include systems or structures that can either support you in the direction in which you wish to grow or can even hinder you.
For example, if you are surrounded by friends who continually whine and are negative, then it naturally follows that you will likely feel discouraged and negative as well. The same can also be true of a physical environment that is cluttered. This can result in a constant state of stress and chaos, making it difficult for you to initiate positive change in your life.
Without a supportive environment, it can be quite easy to find yourself slipping into negative habits. Conversely, with an environment that is specifically designed to support your success, it can be easier for you to seek out opportunities for change and achieve the goals you have set for your life.
Remove toxic relationships that are hindering you?
In some instances, it may even be necessary to prune toxic things or relationships from your life that are not supporting you and are preventing you from reaching your goals. If, for instance, you are involved in relationships that are affecting you in a negative manner, it may be necessary for you to take some time for yourself. Doing so can provide you with the inner strength you need in order to stand on your own and maintain focus. In other cases, it may be necessary to identify and then communicate necessary boundaries. For example, you may find it necessary to limit the amount of time that you spend with certain people or even limit or restrict certain topics of conversation. In other instances, you may find it necessary to establish new friendships because the environment is simply too toxic.
The same may also be true of working in an environment where your skills and talents are not valued or recognized. In order to reach your goals, you must make certain that you are surrounded by an environment that facilitates progress and productivity.
Surround yourself people that help you achieve your goals
Understanding the types of environments in your life and being clear about what it is that you wish to achieve is an important step. By ensuring you are surrounded by an environment that will nurture your growth and success, you will be making a commitment toward achieving the goals you wish to accomplish in life.
About the Author
Ben Fewtrell is a sought-after Business Coach, Keynote Speaker and trainer who has featured in Virgin’s Inflight Magazine and Entertainment Portal, SKY Business and “Secrets of Top Business Builders Exposed”. He is also the host of the popular Business Brain Food Podcast where he interviews leading experts on anything and everything business.