With the advent of the Internet, everything is undergoing a very rapid change and the learning space hasn’t gone untouched either. With infrastructure and transportation costs on the rise, many schools across Australia are recognizing the immense benefits of online training & learning. It saves money and is convenient in every way possible. It also helps reduce building & maintenance costs even as it increases learning flexibility. Today, even a number of small business entrepreneurs are gravitating towards eLearning.
Since the Internet is a global space, the market size is also significantly larger and it’s possible for online learning companies to attract a larger number of interested participants to training events, webinars and presentations. There are a number of benefits to online learning and different ways in which it can help grow your business.
The Benefits
#1 Time Saving
Participants are saved the trouble of travelling to the venue- they save on time and travelling costs
#2 Convenient
As an entrepreneur, you have a number of things to attend to; there could be times when you are very keen on attending a particular seminar, but do not have the time to travel to and fro. It’s in instances such as these that it becomes an extremely convenient option for you.
In a way it takes the hurdle out of your path and gives you the impetus to attend an online event and add to your knowledge. Some sessions are even more convenient- many online training portals create a number of online presentations (with many volumes). The participants are provided log-in access. You can choose when you want to go through that presentation or training session.
#3 Immediate Solutions
There are a number of online tools available such as screen capture software and slideshows- these are able to capture computer activity and as a participant you can learn to use that software. You can download various segments of that program and view it when you have the time.
#4 Easy & Interactive
You will enjoy learning online and when you participate in live presentations and seminars, many of them also allow participants to interact in the sessions and ask questions. Since there are many other people like you there (some who may be more experienced than you), you get the chance to learn a lot of new things and it helps you grow your business.
You can also learn from the mistakes that other entrepreneurs have made and avoid those pitfalls. The direction you get from experienced entrepreneurs is immense and goes a long way in helping you build your business. Many online learning platforms also have peer-to-peer learning functions. This allows you to connect directly with other members and discuss your ideas, get advice etc
#5 Cost-Effective Learning
There are a number of free online learning portals and forums. This means you do not have to spend large amounts of money to attend many of these seminars. If some niche seminars or presentations are charged, you can always consider signing up for them. Overall, online learning becomes quite an inexpensive option for an entrepreneur.
#6 Networking
When you start attending various online learning and business training sessions, you will get to interact with a number of like-minded people. The exposure that you get is immense and you may also end up making a lot of contacts within your field. Thus, apart from the learning aspect, you may also end-up making a lot of contacts which helps you forward your business.
Learning the Specifics
Many entrepreneurs find it difficult to attend regular college courses, due to financial constraints. Since they are just setting-up their businesses, they find it difficult to divert their money, energies and time to attending a formal college to learn specifics like business management, finance and accounting, marketing, economics, public speaking, writing and composition, computer science etc.
Increase your Knowledge Base
ELearning is truly a great way to learn and increase your knowledge base. The fact that you can do so at your convenience, without it impacting your work schedule is a definite bonus. You just need to identify the courses you want to take and a well-established Elearning company that offers them- and you will be well on your way to profitability.
Thanks for reading,
MaxMyProfit Corporate Australia
(02) 9111 5000
About the Author
Ben Fewtrell is a sought-after Business Coach, Keynote Speaker and trainer who has featured in Virgin’s Inflight Magazine and Entertainment Portal, SKY Business and “Secrets of Top Business Builders Exposed”. He is also the host of the popular Business Brain Food Podcast where he interviews leading experts on anything and everything business.