Productivity is the key to being successful. It is also quite hard to achieve, especially when one is engaged in either a tedious or a not so interesting project. It is, however, the one factor that separates the successful people from the failures.
Why is productivity important?
Productivity gets things done. Through that, you become more successful, wealthier and will have more free time to spend with your family on holidays. Completing tasks also have a fulfilling feeling that will improve how you feel about yourself.
Below are some of the reasons why you might not be successful and the steps you should take:
#1 Technological distractions
In this age of technology, there is a lot that tends to arrest our attention like social media, constant notifications, texts, Xbox and PS among other things. As per the 2018 Neilsen report, American people spend on average 11 hours interacting with media. This includes listening and watching TV and browsing on social sites. Social media alone takes 2hrs. 16 minutes.
#2 Lack of direction
People without goals tend to waste a lot of time. It may also happen when you have so much to do that you don’t know where to start. When you have so much on your mind, you will rarely get much done.
#3 Difficult work or boring tasks
If a task is too hard or boring, it might become too tedious to handle. You may tend to put it off for another day when it is not appealing. This will make you less productive as you will only focus on the easier tasks that might be of lesser value.
#4 Starting too late
Whenever you start your day very late, you will lag throughout the day. This might delay the tasks for the whole week which makes you less productive.
How to be more productive
#1 Limiting distractions
While social media might be a nice way to relax and unwind while at the same time catch up with people, it can make you less productive. You need to put a limit to how much time you spend on your phone. There are apps like “Offline moment” that can help you with that. Limiting your online time will help you get more done.
#2 Tackle hard tasks first
Start with harder tasks first when you are still fresh and alert. It will ensure that you spend less time there and will also help you limit distractions by improving your concentration on the task at hand.
#3 Be an early riser
The most successful people in the world are mostly early risers. The early hours of the day are the most productive. As per a 2010 Harvard Business study review, early riser scored better grades than the night owls. A study by the Psychiatric Journal Research showed that early risers have a 12-27 percent lower risk of being depressed than their counterparts.
#4 Take a break
Tony Schwartz an author of a 2013 New York Times article wrote that people who take more vacation tend to be more productive than those who work all year round. Research suggests that human focus is limited to between 90-120 minutes after which you will need a break.
Grow in productivity
There are several courses intended for busy working adults. You can be more productive by enrolling for a course that will help you achieve both your personal and professional goals. Enroll with the experts and see how you can become a better you.
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About the Author
Anna Kucirkova works as a copywriter for over 4 years. She speaks 3 languages, loves traveling and has a passion for kids and writing. While she has been to many places in Europe and Southeast Asia, she still wants to explore the rest of the world.