Your Thoughts Lead to your Words, Actions, and Results
The importance of harnessing your thoughts and controlling them cannot be stressed strongly enough both for the importance of your personal life, but also for success in your business.
“Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words.
Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.”
Author unknown
The author of this well-known poem may remain unknown, but these words certainly hold tremendous truth. The thoughts that you dwell upon can quickly become a part of your vocabulary and, in turn, can have tremendous impact upon the progress that you are able to make in any type of venture.
Whether you consciously realize it or not, every word that you speak stems from a thought. Some of us are better than others are at guarding what comes from our mouth and filtering our thoughts before verbalizing them. In the end; however, everything we say comes from our thoughts. Therefore, it only stands to reason that if we focus on developing positive thoughts, we will only have positive things to say.
Both our body language and our tone of voice can tremendously impact what we say, as well. In many instances, whether we intend for them to do so or not, our body actions and tone of voice can follow the thoughts behind our words. In other cases, when we focus constantly on negative thoughts, those thoughts and even words can eventually drive negative actions. Over time, those negative actions can become habits.
For instance, if you frequently tell yourself that you will never succeed in business, eventually our subconscious mind will begin to accept your words and may even places obstacles in the path of your success. Conversely, if you continue to reaffirm to yourself that you can succeed, you will find ways to develop opportunities for attaining the success you desire and ultimately take the actions necessary to reap the full benefit of those opportunities.
Above all, it is imperative that you not let outside influences shape your thoughts and subsequently shape your actions and the results you are capable of achieving. By consciously selecting your thoughts as well as your words, you will be able to see changes take place in your life by creating both new opportunities and circumstances.
Ultimately, whatever you believe about yourself and your abilities will determine the final outcome of your experience. You have likely heard of the self-fulfilling prophecy. For this reason, it is imperative that you guard your thoughts as well as your speech. By surrounding yourself with the most positive reinforcements possible regarding what you think as well as what you see, hear, and verbalize, you will be on a track for following through with positive actions and attaining the positive results you desire.
Ben Fewtrell is a sought-after Business Coach, Keynote Speaker and trainer who has featured in Virgin’s Inflight Magazine and Entertainment Portal, SKY Business and “Secrets of Top Business Builders Exposed”. He is also the host of the popular Business Brain Food Podcast where he interviews leading experts on anything and everything business.